Understanding Down Syndrome and Alzheimer’s Disease Research
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What is the connection between Down syndrome and Alzheimer’s disease? Will everyone with Down syndrome get Alzheimer’s? Can studying people with Down syndrome lead to novel therapies or a cure to Alzheimer’s?
Two internationally-renowned scientists – Huntington Potter, PhD, Professor of Neurology, Director of Alzheimer’s Disease Program at the Linda Crnic Institute for Down Syndrome, and Director of the CU Alzheimer’s and Cognition Center at the University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Center, and Dean Hartley, PhD, Director of Science Initiatives at the National Alzheimer’s Association, will cover these questions and more.

Dr. Huntington Potter previously studied, researched and taught for 30 years at Harvard University. He is currently expanding his discovery that Alzheimer’s disease is mechanistically related to Down syndrome, which invariably leads to Alzheimer’s by age 30-40, through the development of many cells with trisomy 21 and other aneuploidy. Recently, he and his colleagues have found such cell cycle defects in numerous other neurodegenerative diseases, providing a novel approach to diagnosis and therapy. Dr. Potter is author of over 100 scientific articles, books and patents, has received numerous awards for his work. His electron micrographs of DNA are on permanent exhibit in the National American History Museum of the Smithsonian Institute in Washington D.C.

Dean M. Hartley, Ph.D., is the Director of Science Initiatives at the Alzheimer’s Association. He has a leadership role in the development of the Association’s research and scientific initiatives, primarily by effectively communicating the goals and achievements of the Alzheimer’s Association research and science program to a wide range of audiences. In addition, Dr. Hartley represents the Association’s science division, both internally and externally, and works with the division’s senior leaders on public relations activities and scientific workgroups to advance the Association’s science agenda. Dr. Hartley has authored numerous publications in top scientific journals on mechanisms thought to cause neurons to become dysfunctional or die in diseases including epilepsy, stroke, and Alzheimer’s disease.
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