Instituti Linda Crnic për Sindromën Down

About the Institute

Established in 2008, the Linda Crnic Institute for Down Syndrome is the first academic home for Down syndrome research in the United States. The mission of the Crnic Institute is to significantly improve the lives of people with Down syndrome by eradicating the medical and cognitive ill effects associated with the condition.

Lexoni më shumë për Institutin Linda Crnic.

About Dr. Linda Crnic

The Linda Crnic Institute for Down Syndrome is named after Dr. Linda Crnic, a University of Colorado professor of pediatrics and psychiatry, in honor of her unwavering dedication to helping people with Down syndrome through scientific research.

Read more about Dr. Linda Crnic.

The Institute’s Mission, Vision and Values

The Linda Crnic Institute for Down Syndrome  works to significantly improve the lives of all people with Down syndrome. The Institute provides the world’s first fully integrated institute for Down syndrome with the highest quality basic, translational and clinical research, clinical trials, therapeutic development, medical care, education and advocacy in the pursuit of the mission

Read more about the Linda Crnic Institute’s Mission, Vision and Values.

Instituti Linda Crnic për Sindromën Down


The people at the Linda Crnic Institute have the courage to embark down new paths, have new ideas and to measure outcomes. They work to inspire others to join a movement for people with Down syndrome.

Get to know the leadership of the Linda Crinic Institute.

Scientific Advisory Board

The scientists and medical professionals at the Linda Crnic Institute for Down Syndrome dedicate their lives to making a difference for people with Down syndrome.

Get to know the Linda Crinic Institute Scientific Advisory Board.


The staff at the Linda Crnic Institute is focused on life-changing research and medical care for individuals with Down syndrome.

Get to know the Linda Crinic Institute Staff.