People with Down Syndrome Rock!


Upload an action shot of you doing an activity or something special!

Selected photos will be featured in Mondo della sindrome di Down™ Magazine

People with Down Syndrome Rock!
Per appena $20 all'anno potete diventare membri onorari della GLOBAL sostenendo il nostro importante lavoro e ricevendo il nostro premiato Mondo della sindrome di DownTM oltre a webinar d'avanguardia sulla ricerca sulla sindrome di Down e sull'assistenza medica. Diventa un membro GLOBAL oggi stesso o Per saperne di più.

Photo Upload

For your photo to be considered you must follow these rules:

• Photo must be full color, high res jpgs (300DPI) for best print quality

• Size must be larger than 500K and less than 5MB

(Photo files sent directly from your camera phone or point and shoot camera are likely to work - Photos that have been uploaded to social media will not i.e. taken from Facebook page)

• Photo must feature yourself or a self-advocate in your life

• Photo must show how you make your impact! For example: playing sports, loving your job, playing an instrument, graduating, etc.

Dimensione massima del file: 150MB

Enter date using MM/DD/YYYY (ex. 01/01/2000)
We love to hear and share stories about the amazing things that people with Down syndrome are doing!
Relazione con la sindrome di Down (selezionare tutte le opzioni)