Ann-Charlotte Granholm, PhD, DDS
Professor and Director of Center on Aging
Medical University of South Carolina
Dr. Ann-Charlotte Granholm provides overall experience in managing center grants through experience as PD/PI for a Program Project Grant (AG023630) and directing both the interdisciplinary MUSC Center on Aging (14 years of experience) and the MUSC Brain Bank (6 years of experience). She has extensive experience in animal models of Down syndrome and a strong publication record in the Down syndrome field for more than 20 years.
Dr. Granholm is the current Chair for a Professional Interest Area (PIA) on Down syndrome-related Alzheimer’s Disease in ISTAART. This group has close to 250 members in more than 38 countries. Currently. Dr. Granholm also serves on the Board of the Alzheimer Association South Carolina Chapter and on the Board for South Carolina Aging Research Network.
She has published extensively on Down syndrome-related Alzheimer’s disease (see e.g. Hartley et al, 2014 PMID: 25510383; Iulita et al, Brain, 2014, PMID: 24519975). Her leadership in this area is recognized and she has had R01 funding specifically related to Down syndrome since 1994, and currently has an Crnic Institute-Alzheimer’s Association grant.